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Angel Number >

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 6:54 AM

The Connection Between Angel Numbers and Tarot Cards

What Do Angel Numbers Have To Do With Tarot Cards?

Together, angel numbers and the tarot are powerful tools that can provide direction as you travel down your spiritual path. Angel numbers and tarot card meanings are frequently utilized in isolation, but there is a good reason to use them together if one hopes for more insight into what the divine might be trying to communicate. This fluid communication helps you to move through your life with more direction and ease.

Understanding Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that carry special meanings and messages from your angels. You see this number all the time, on clocks and license plates, receipts or in dreams. Each angel number carries a specific vibration and meaning with it, which warrants different advice and help.

Some common Angel Numbers

Here are a few popular angel numbers an exact meaning of them.

111 ~ New Beginnings, Manifestation It motivates you to be more goal orientated towards life and also directs your mind set into maintaining a happy state.

222: Represents balance and harmony. It will remind you that this is the life path a God has ordered for you, so walk without any and trust.

333 - Symbol of spiritual advancement and ascended masters. It provides you to accept your inner wisdom and allows rising in spiritual consciousness.

444: Protection and encouragement sign It gives you an assurance that your angels are always there with you, leading and giving advice to help make the best decisions in life.

From top to bottom -555: Indicates major changes and transformations. It will drive you to new experiences and break through old habits.

666: The number is often confusing as it leads an individual to harmonize the needs of material and spiritual world.

7 / 77 - Angel Number - Divine Guidance Sign | Inner Wisdom That means that you are in alignment with your higher calling.

888: Abundance and wealth This shows that you are attracting success so keep thinking positively.

999: Represents the completion and conclusion of a cycle. It tells you to drop what is dead and start anew.

Understanding Tarot Cards

The concept of tarot cards is essentially a form of divination that seeks to gain insight and guidance through the use of 78 unique decks. Meaning and messages of each card provide us all the essentials to what we need to lead a good life including love, career, health & spirituality. There are two major sections to a tarot deck: the Major Arcana (which indicate significant life events, and spiritual lessons) and the Minor Arcana (about every-day experiences).

Basic Tarot Cards and Meanings

These are some of the common cards we will get when we start to read tarot:

The Fool: fresh start, adventure and having faith.

The Magician - Archetype of Manifestation, Creativity & Personal Power

The High Priestess - intuition, inner wisdom, hidden knowledge

The Empress: Represents fertility, abundance in a nurturing way.

The Emperor : Representing Authority, Governance and Leadership

The Hierophant: A card that indicates spiritual guidance, tradition, and higher learning.

The Lovers- Represents love, relationships and choices.

The Chariot (Determination, Will Power & Overcoming Obstacles)

Strength: Courage, inner strength and resilience.

The Hermit - Represents taking a step back, solitude and focusing on self reflection.

Wheel of Fortune- Cycles, fate (karma) and change

Justice (Fairness, balance and legal matters)

The Hanged Man: This one image means surrendering, releasing and seeing from a new point of view.

Death: It represents a change, the end of something and therefore also an opportunity for new enlightenment.

This card represents balance or mediation.

The Devil - Represents materialism,temptation, self-imposed limitations

The Tower: Represents a bolt of lightning, or sudden change and upheaval. Episode Ten's revelations have clearly had the effect for some viewers!

The Star = hope, inspiration, spiritual guidance

The Moon - Intuition, dreams and subconscious

Sun: (Joy, Success and Positivity)

JUDGEMNT Represents a Question of Coming To Your Own, Rebirth and Major Decisions

The World: Symbolizes achievement, fulfillment and new beginnings.

Associating Angel Numbers with Tarot Cards

The angel numbers and the tarot get along well too because they bring each other complementary messages, or guidance of any form. This is how your readings should imply and indicate to use them in spiritual practices:-

Identify the Angel Number:

Do not ignore the frequently occurring angel numbers in your life. Record the number and what it was adjacent to.

Research the Meaning:

Find its definition to learn the message of your angel number. Make sure to refer back to books, websites or other links which you can trust on true interpretations.

Draw a Tarot Card:

Once you have your angel number, pull a tarot card for additional guidance. Concentrating on the aspect in question or something similar to what is being addressed by this angel number.

Read the combination of messages:

Meditate on angel number and motif of the tarot card together Think about how these messages apply to things going on in your life right now and consider what advice you can take from this.

Apply the Guidance:

Incorporate the action steps into your life informed by this angel number and tarot card insights. Believe that this messages are leading you to your highest good.

For instance: How to interpret angel number 111 with The Magician tarot card

Suppose you are seeing the angel number 111 a lot that this is about fresh starts and manifestation. For further guidance you pull The Magician Tarot card, illustrates manifestation and personal power.

Combined Interpretation:

Angel Number 111:- Concentrate On What You Need and Stay Optimistic, New Beginnings!

The Magician - Channel your creativity and inner strength to tailor reality according to your desires.


The combined message is that it urges you to do something constructive about what you want in life. Apply your creative imagination and use personal power to call forth that which you wish for, embracing the possibilities with conviction.


For a higher perspective, blending your angel numbers with the tarot are going to do wonders to further fueling and supporting what it is that you got in motion through natural connection. To help you, here is how to fit these tools into your day.

Daily Draw:

Introduce a daily tarot card draw and keep note of any angel numbers you see. And think about what they all might have told you, and how that fits with your day.


Replay the meanings of angel numbers and tarot cards to discover deeper wisdom within your own self.


It can be helpful to keep a journal of the angel numbers and tarot cards that come up. Discussion Focusing on the Meanings of Those Maxims and How Do They Guide You To Live Your Life


Make affirmations out of those messages like Angel numbers and Tarot cards. Daily Retelling: The more you focus the positive energies, On repeat.


Angel numbers and tarot cards have a really strong meaning together, so it is one of the most powerful ways to get divine guidance in your life. You will be able to understand these messages and get insights into what is the right thing for you. Dare to play with the synergy of these spiritual tools and let their unique wisdom be your guiding lights on this path towards more clarity, confidence, and growth.

As you further investigate the connection with angel numbers and tarot cards, rest assured that your angels or Universe is guiding. These messages are here to serve you and help guide your path with as much ease, grace and understanding you could ever want!!!